
Cassandra's Story

Cassandra Aarons is the founder of Cassandra Aarons Evangelistic Ministries, which was founded to give to those that are in need. Cassandra has always been dedicated to providing as much assistance as possible to aid those who are less fortunate, which accounts for a large percentage of the inner cities in this country.

For over a decade Cassandra has been able to offer assistance without cost to the local residents who ask for help. This has been accomplished through her hard work and dedication along with the amazing support from so many kind people, offering both their time and money in an effort to provide aid to those in need, while bringing the word of God into their lives. This has been such an incredible blessing.


Cassandra is responsible for providing warm, nutritious meals each month to homeless and hungry people on the streets and who sleep under the bridges of New York City and Columbus, Ohio, showing compassion for those most often marginalized, ignored and forgotten in our society. She is a person who does not turn anyone away. People from any city can come and receive compassionate help. Cassandra meets the homeless where they are and provides a voice in the land crying out for help to end homelessness.


In addition to running one of the largest soup kitchens in Columbus, every week Cassandra and other volunteers gave healthy meals of fried chicken, ham, stew, collard greens, macaroni and cheese, potato salad, and cabbage. For many homeless men, women and children sleeping under the bridges, this is their only meal of the day. They also provided coats, hats, gloves and blankets in the colder weather, to those struggling to survive on the rough streets of Columbus, Ohio. Cassandra also tries to connect those on the streets with other life changing services such as psychiatric treatment, medical care, and substance abuse treatment, or housing.

Cassandra is passionate about pursuing the lost, suffering and the oppressed people of this world, and bringing them the powerful truth that Jesus is alive and still doing the same things today as he did 2000 years ago. She had the privilege of working with her spiritual father, R.W. Schambach, serving alongside him in ministry, under the tents. Cassandra also had the opportunity of being on radio in over 40 nations through out the world, preaching Jesus and demonstrating the power of the Gospel.

She has conducted mass evangelism tent crusades, worked with pastors, leaders, and humanitarian outreaches throughout Columbus, Ohio and New York City, and has produced amazing results in winning souls and seeing great miracles.

With an unwavering and clear vision, Cassandra understands that God has called her to continually expand into the difficult and forgotten places in the world, and remains passionate about raising an army of believers to go into the entire world preaching the Gospel to every creature, and display the power of the Holy Ghost.

Cassandra has a Bachelors degree in Employee Assistance from Franklin University and a Masters degree in Human Development from the University of Dayton. She has mentored and taught troubled youth in the Columbus Public Schools with ADHD issues. Cassandra has a passion for coaching teen moms to maximize their full potential despite all obstacles that may be thrown in your path. She continuously demonstrates her dedication and ability to motivate at all levels in order to drive results. She has strong passion in mentoring and giving back to the community. 

Cassandra has also been very involved in community service through various avenues. She has been the recipient of numerous awards for Community Service. She was featured in February 2017 with Radio One Columbus as a Future History Maker for her tireless efforts in the Columbus Community. She is known for her leadership, organization and communication skills. Cassandra Aarons has 1 son, and 3 grandsons who are the light of her life.